You have the best Daddy. Did you know that? You just light up every time you see him and I know he loves making you smile. It makes my heart so happy to see you two together. :)
I love you, little bug!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
Well, baby girl, we survived our first week apart with Mommy back at work (and at a new school). Grandma and Bumpaw came over and watched you all week and had so much fun with you. It was definitely harder on me than it was on you I think. I cried almost everyday when I had to leave you - I don't like being away from my sweet baby. But, by God's grace we survived, made it to the weekend, and got some extra snuggle time together.
Today we start it all again, but you get to go to daycare for the first time! Don and Hilda Oldham (Oma and Papa to you) get to play with you this week. They are so excited! You will stay with them Mon through Wed and then Bumpaw and Grandma will come to our house to play with you on Thurs and Fri. This will probably be our schedule from here on out - though this week the times are a little different. Starting next week, when school actually starts, we'll really be able to get on a good set schedule.
Here's to a great week for us both, sweetheart. Don't forget that I love you so much!
Today we start it all again, but you get to go to daycare for the first time! Don and Hilda Oldham (Oma and Papa to you) get to play with you this week. They are so excited! You will stay with them Mon through Wed and then Bumpaw and Grandma will come to our house to play with you on Thurs and Fri. This will probably be our schedule from here on out - though this week the times are a little different. Starting next week, when school actually starts, we'll really be able to get on a good set schedule.
Here's to a great week for us both, sweetheart. Don't forget that I love you so much!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
I love that no matter what mood you're in or how upset you are (which is rarely ever very upset - you're such a happy and content baby), as soon as you start nursing all is right in your little world. The sweetest little peaceful look just washes over your face. You know you're safe, being fed, and loved. There are no words to describe how much it fills my heart to be able to give you this! My cup runneth over.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
You're such a cute little love-bug! Everywhere we go people can't help but stop and tell be what a beautiful baby you are. More often than not, you'll give them a big toothless grin and totally win them over!
You had a couple more firsts this past weekend (it was a BIG weekend for you!). We took you to your first birthday party. We celebrated Piper Grace Baker's 3rd birthday at Ms. Emily's aunt's house in Dallas. You squawked and giggled at Keller and at Ilana (Ms. Emily's niece). We gave Piper a gift bag full of some of her favorite things - princess puzzles, coloring books, and crayons.
At the party you got to go swimming for the very first time! You weren't quite sure about it at first, but then we put you in Keller's fun little float and you were as happy as a clam! You kicked and smiled and relaxed. I think you loved it. Daddy and I decided we need to take you to our neighborhood pool a few times before they close for the summer.
Here you are in your cute little swimsuit (that's a 6-month size!).
You had a couple more firsts this past weekend (it was a BIG weekend for you!). We took you to your first birthday party. We celebrated Piper Grace Baker's 3rd birthday at Ms. Emily's aunt's house in Dallas. You squawked and giggled at Keller and at Ilana (Ms. Emily's niece). We gave Piper a gift bag full of some of her favorite things - princess puzzles, coloring books, and crayons.
At the party you got to go swimming for the very first time! You weren't quite sure about it at first, but then we put you in Keller's fun little float and you were as happy as a clam! You kicked and smiled and relaxed. I think you loved it. Daddy and I decided we need to take you to our neighborhood pool a few times before they close for the summer.
Here you are in your cute little swimsuit (that's a 6-month size!).
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
You just rolled over!! You did it!! I knew it wouldn't be much longer and I've been so hoping you would do it before I go back to works full-time (I start on Monday! You were cutting it close, chica!)
So today, Saturday, August 11, 2011 at 2:35 pm you rolled from your tummy to your back on your right side! We were FaceTiming with Grandmommy and I had just sat you down in your tummy to show her how cute you are when you're turtling. I reached over to grab my phone do she could see and there you went! She just missed seeing it herself. You rolled right off your little mat onto the floor! I'm so proud of you, my little roly-poly baby bug!
Love, Mommy
So today, Saturday, August 11, 2011 at 2:35 pm you rolled from your tummy to your back on your right side! We were FaceTiming with Grandmommy and I had just sat you down in your tummy to show her how cute you are when you're turtling. I reached over to grab my phone do she could see and there you went! She just missed seeing it herself. You rolled right off your little mat onto the floor! I'm so proud of you, my little roly-poly baby bug!
Love, Mommy
Dear Ella . . .
I just love nursing you. You make the cutest little happy panting sounds right before you latch on. It's precious.
I love that I'm able to give you what you need. I love that you just snuggle right in and that you sometimes fall asleep because you're so comfy. I love how groggy you get when you finish eating and how sweet and snuggly you are when I put you on my shoulder to burp.
Nursing you is such a sweet and special time that's just between the two of us. I'm oh so thankful for these times. :)
I love you, my sweet baby!
Love always,
I love that I'm able to give you what you need. I love that you just snuggle right in and that you sometimes fall asleep because you're so comfy. I love how groggy you get when you finish eating and how sweet and snuggly you are when I put you on my shoulder to burp.
Nursing you is such a sweet and special time that's just between the two of us. I'm oh so thankful for these times. :)
I love you, my sweet baby!
Love always,
Friday, August 10, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
Today you giggled! I mean a lengthy, full belly giggle! It's the most precious sound I've ever heard! I love you!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
Last night you took your first bath without the newborn-sling. You actually sat down in your little pink bathtub and you were oh so cute! You discovered how to kick and splash water on yourself (and Mommy) and had the best time. I'm so glad bathtime is turning into such a fun time!
I love you, little fishy! :)
I love you, little fishy! :)
Dear Ella . . .
For your three month birthday, we played with Mommy's fun DSLR camera and had a little impromptu photo shoot. You wore the tutu Daddy and I bought for you right after we found out you would be a girl (one of the happiest days of my life!). You also wore the sweet little butterfly wings that Mimi gave you at our baby shower in Tulsa. Here are a few of my favorite shots.
Dear Ella . . .
I love your sweet little voice. I stayed awake a full hour last night just listening to you coo and hum in your sleep. There is not a more precious sound on earth!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Dear Ella . . .
At three months you:
• love to "talk". We have such fun conversations and you're adding new sounds to your little "vocabulary" every day.
• have started giggling a little! I know it won't be long before we hear a full out cackle!
• are becoming ticklish and are starting to delight in funny noises and different sensations. You like it when Mommy and Daddy boodle your belly and tickle you under your chin.
• are becoming so strong! You can sit for several minutes in your bumbo seat without tiring. You usually sit up straight if I'm holding you on my shoulder and you love to arch your back - especially on the changing table.
• are so close to rolling over! If I roll you from back to front, you can easily roll you self back - you just haven't done it completely on your own yet. You're also almost ready to roll from back to front. I think it would have happened already if your changing table didn't have contour sides!
• can sleep through the night (8+ hours) now, but you still don't do it consistently. The longest you've slept is just over 9 hours. You teased us with a few nights of that in a row, but quickly went back to sleeping 5 1/2 to 7 hour stretches (which is still wonderful!).
• have started reaching and grabbing for things like your singing sunshine on your playmat. Yesterday I found you patting the mirror on the side of your crib.
• love to chew on your hands (and get slobber everywhere!). You especially love your right index finger (forget thumb sucking!). It's so cute!
• love your Daddy. Every time you see him you just light up! You follow the sound of his voice and watch his every move when you're in the same room. It makes my heart so happy!
• have started to become a little clingy to Mommy and sometimes to Daddy too (which is heart wrenching when I think about having to go back to work in a couple of weeks). You cry when we let anyone else hold you - even other family members. But all it takes is for me to scoop you up and snuggle you and then you're a happy baby again
• steal Mommy and Daddy's hearts every single day.
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